Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's start the journey, already!

Well, a few days after my operation.  I got so FRUSTRATED!  That I got on the internet and signed up for next year's TRANSVULCANIA.  NO, not the Half Marathon one, but the ULTRA Marathon one!  What was I thinking!!!???

I was operated on May 31st.  Today it's October 10th, 4 months and 10 days since my surgery.  I have just started jogging again.  As of tomorrow I will have 7 MONTHS to train for the TRANSVULCANIA... there is no turning back.  But first I think I must set some concrete goals.

1) LOSE WEIGHT!  Well, the only way to get this done is with a diet!  Starting tomorrow strict diet to get these pounds OFF!  I also need to implement at least 1 hour of cardio a day.  BURN!  I am starting at 165 lbs.  I would like to get down to 150.

2) Slim down on the BODY FAT.  I am currently around 33%, that needs to get down to 26%, at least.  This goes hand-in-hand with losing weight.  Shed the pounds, shed the fat.  I will need to start some weights, too.

3)  In 7 months: COMPLETE the TRANSVULCANIA.

I suppose that as I go, I will set smaller goals to get me to the BIG goal.  I will go from Wednesday to Wednesday.

Goals for this week:
1) DIET, make a menu tonight and stick to it for the week.  No eating between meals, no sweets.
2) Do gym elliptical/treadmill for one hour workouts: Today, Friday, Sunday and Tuesday.  Swim and/or do weights Saturday and Monday.  Tomorrow is cleaning day, so if I get something done it will be a bonus.